Blisters on your feet are the absolute worst, especially when it comes from doing your favorite activity, roller skating! Yet, with the right corrective and preventative blister treatment, you’ll be back skating with us at Rainbow Rink in no time!

3 Tips To Beat Roller Skating Blisters Before They Happen
Break Your Skates In
When you use your skates and use them often, the material will soften and form to your feet. In order to break in your skates without hurting your feet, skate for a short amount of time in the beginning. As you continue to skate, gradually skate for a longer amount of time during the following sessions.
Make Sure They’re The Correct Size
A large amount of blisters occur because people wear the wrong sized skates. Wearing the correct size will help you skate better because your feet and the roller skates will be able to act as one.
Keep Your Feet Protected
Never roller skate without socks or even with socks that are very thin. Wearing thicker socks helps fill out your skates and protect your ankles from blisters. If you would like to have extra protection, use blister pads. They are cushioned pads that help blister prone areas stay protected.
How To Treat Roller Skating Blisters
So let’s say you have a couple of roller skating blisters already and want to know how to heal them as quickly as possible. It is totally normal and do not worry, blisters typically don’t take very long to heal. You’ll be back skating with us in no time!
To treat your blisters, apply aloe vera or witch hazel to the affected area with a cotton ball. Cover it with a Band-Aid if you need to put socks or shoes on. However, it’s important to leave the blister uncovered as much as possible so they can breathe and heal.
We hope these tips and tricks help you treat and prevent blisters! We’ll see you back on the rink with us soon!