You already know that Rainbow Roller Rink is your North Tonawanda birthday party headquarters. Between our affordable, flexible packages and all the assistance offered by our friendly staff, you’ll never have an easier time celebrating such an important event! Since the skating rink includes its own activities, there’s no need to stress yourself worrying about how to entertain all those kids, but if you want to add more fun, look no further. Check out these skating games for your next party!
- Relay Races. This is just like a regular relay race, except on skates. Kids can go faster on skates than running, so the races won’t take as long, and you can host an entire tournament if you like. Consider decorating your own batons, since it’s a birthday party!
- Four Corners. Divide the rink up into four corners, labeled one, two, three, and four. Have the DJ play music while everyone skates as normal. The DJ should stop the music randomly, at which time everyone had to skate to a corner of their choice. Then pull a number out of a hat, or select one randomly. Whoever’s in that corner is out! The last person left in the rink wins.
- Skate Chain. For this fun amoeba-like game, everyone lines up with their hands on the waist of the person in front of them. Skate around the rink, getting gradually faster, and see how long you can keep the chain together!
A skating party is always a blast at Rainbow Roller Rink. Contact us today and let’s get started planning yours!
Im looking for availablity for march 16 or 17th for a birthday party….
Approximaly 10 ppl