The turn of the year is almost here, and at Rainbow Roller Rink we couldn’t be more excited! We’ve been busy thinking up New Year’s Resolutions, and since accountability is a great tool for success, we thought we’d share them with all of you.
Our New Year’s Resolutions for 2018:
- Make Healthier Choices. We’re drinking water instead of soda (most of the time), taking the stairs when we can, and most importantly, we’re spending more time at the skate center! Roller skating is great exercise, and it’s easy on your joints. Skating works your lungs, your muscles, and more. Plus, with our great specials and everyday pricing, it’s affordable!
- More Time for Fun and Family. We’re resolving to spend more time with our loved ones this year, even when we’re busy or feeling stressed o
ut. Family fun is a great way to relieve stress, after all. Bring your family out to Rainbow Roller Rink for after-school skating sessions, where admission is just $5, or take some lessons on the weekends!
- Be Kind. Our biggest goal this year is a simple one: spread kindness! We want to make the world a more cheerful place this year. Whether holding doors, offering to help with bags or chores, paying sincere compliments, or just being polite, we’ve resolved to spread kindness–at home, at school, at work, at Rainbow Roller Rink, and everywhere we go.
Whether your New Year’s Resolutions are for fitness, fun, or something else, we hope that you’ll find help to succeed in your 2018 goals here at Rainbow Roller Rink!
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