They say fever is a symptom of COVID-19, but what if your temperature is normal and you’re simply going crazy from cabin fever? Social distancing has already started to take its toll on most of us, and we still have a ways to go before the end is in sight.
Our North Tonawanda skating rink is currently closed due to the state shelter in place order, and our hearts go out to all of the patients, families, and medical professionals impacted by the pandemic. While necessary, we also know that this is a stressful time for all families, with many parents either out of work or working from home, and at the same time, having to learn how to effectively homeschool their kids so they can finish out the school year online.
It’s a lot to handle, and if you’re feeling overwhelmed, you’re not alone! Check out these tips for how to deal with being stuck at home. We hope they help until we’re able to re-open and welcome you back for some in-person fun with friends and family!
Coronavirus Cabin Fever: How to Deal with Being Stuck at Home
Stay active.
One of the most important things you can do for yourself at this time is to stay active. Yes, gyms, yoga studios, skating rinks, and even parks are closing, but that doesn’t mean you can’t still get some workouts in. Take a virtual yoga class, take a nature walk at the park (only if it’s not crowded and you can maintain social distancing of 6 feet), or go old school with some “bootcamp” style push ups and jumping jacks in your living room.
Be social.
Just because you’re social distancing doesn’t mean you have to live like a hermit. Technology saves the day, allowing us to reconnect via FaceTime, Google Hangouts, Zoom, and so much more. You can even set up a watch party on Netflix or Facebook so you can watch a movie or TV show with your friends.
Take care of yourself.
You probably know how important it is to take care of your physical health right now, but don’t forget about your mental health. Most doctors are offering telemedicine to patients, and that typically includes mental health services and counseling. It’s normal to feel overwhelmed, and talking to someone can really help to alleviate those feelings.
This is also a good time to treat yourself to some self care. Have a family spa day with homemade face masks, give each other mani/pedis, or whatever makes you feel pampered.
Spend quality time with your loved ones.
While you’re stuck at home with your spouse, kids, or roommates, take some time to spend quality time together that you normally don’t get to due to the everyday hustle and bustle of life. Play cards, bust out the board games you haven’t touched in years, flip through family photo albums, play charades, or watch old home movies. Get to know each other better with some of these conversation starters.
Spring clean your house.
Last, but certainly not least, it’s a great time to do some spring cleaning and organizing! You’ve probably heard the warnings to clean frequently-touched surfaces like light switches and doorknobs to help prevent the spread of coronavirus. In addition, you can also check off some deep cleaning tasks like wiping down baseboards, dusting ceiling fans, washing windows, and cleaning kitchen and bathroom cabinets.
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